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Serv-U Version |
Diese Version wurde am October 5, 2009 veröffentlicht. |
Neuerungen |
- Added the ability to log into the Management Console and Web Client when using the 64-bit Firefox browser.
- Changed the group selection dialogs in the Management Console to move focus to the last selected group list in order to avoid confusion over which list has current focus.
- Corrected a few Russian Management Console strings.
Verbesserungen |
- Corrected a bug where hidden files were being listed for MLST / MLSD FTP operations, when hidden files were configured to be hidden (i.e., not returned in the listing).
- Corrected a bug in the web client where the history navigation would lose its current location in the history list.
- Corrected a problem where Serv-U could not create private key pair files with passwords when FIPS 140-2 mode was enabled.
- Corrected a memory / handle leak when using Windows Authentication, Serv-U was not releasing memory when attempting to retrieve a Windows User's home directory.
- Corrected a bug where FTP Voyager JV would not launch from a Macintosh computer running Snow Leopard with the Safari web browser.