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Serv-U Version |
Diese Version wurde am April 6, 2009 veröffentlicht. |
Neuerungen |
- Updated OpenSSL libraries from 0.9.8j to 0.9.8k.
- Moved "Password Type" to the Password Limits & Settings to unclutter the main user tab.
- Changed the "Password Type" value to read "FTP Password Type" since it applies only to FTP connections.
- Changed all "Browse..." buttons to use an easy to understand graphic, like most operating systems do already.
Verbesserungen |
- Corrected a licensing issue with old Serv-U Home and Professional licenses.
- Corrected a problem where some SFTP clients would cause recv() on the socket to fail by improperly closing the socket.
- Corrected a bug where certain SFTP clients could cause Serv-U to crash when uploading a file either locally or on a very fast connection on a busy server.
- Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug where the SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT command would fail because the file was already open.
- Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug where Serv-U would close all open files when an unsupported operation was requested. This caused certain SFTP clients to be unable to upload files to Serv-U.
- Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) logging cosmetic error where failed close operations would log the command twice, once with the specified handle, once without.
- Corrected a user statistics bug where certain values such as "Total Sessions", "Average Session Length", "Longest Session", and "Highest Number of Sessions" was inaccurate.
- Corrected an event bug where using the "Test" button would fail for email events, from within the Tray's Management Console only, when SMTP settings were not set for the server.
- Corrected a tray bug where the tray would unnecessarily wait 15 seconds after shutting down the server before exiting.
- Corrected a tray bug where clicking very quickly could cause the trial expired bubble to appear twice.
- Corrected a bug in the Management Console where a flashing cursor would be placed in a combo box when using a Firefox browser.