Serv-U Versionshinweise |
aktuelle Version |
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Serv-U Version |
Diese Version wurde am March 26, 2009 veröffentlicht. |
Neuerungen |
- Added the connected server name to the FTP Voyager JV title bar.
Verbesserungen |
- Corrected a bug, introduced in, where UTF-8 encoding and decoding was not working correctly in all cases.
- Corrected a bug, introduced in, when using virtual hosts with any protocol, could cause garbage information to appear in the connecting domain's session list.
- Corrected a bug where clicking on the "Check for an update at" link in the tray's About Dialog "Update Check" tab did not include all of the information for the license.
- Corrected a security issue where FTP Voyager JV would show drive information for users locked in their home directory and the home directory is a drive.
- Corrected a security issue where FTP Voyager JV would show drive information for virtual paths mapped directly to drives.
- Corrected a bug in the Management Console where certain languages would cause the "Login" button to expand past its containing element.
- Corrected a bug where multi-byte paths could be interpreted incorrectly. Introduced in version