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Serv-U Version |
Diese Version wurde am April 23, 2008 veröffentlicht. |
Verbesserungen |
- Corrected an FTP bug with STOR, STOU, and APPE when specifying the destination file path with back slashes instead of forward slashes, and the destination file doesn't already exist, Serv-U would place the file in the user's home directory instead of the requested directory.
- Corrected insertion of erroneous text at the beginning of each page of the Japanese Help documentation for FTP Voyager JV.
- Corrected a bug where Japanese Help documentation was sometimes displayed using an incorrect character set.
- Corrected a bug introduced in where opening the Help documentation from the FTP Voyager JV launch page reset the current display language.
- Corrected a bug where auto login failed when auto selecting a language.