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Serv-U Version 2.1 |
Diese Version wurde am November 8, 1996 veröffentlicht. |
Neuerungen |
- Added startup options /i (=iconic), /h (=hidden), and /u (=unconditional exit).
- When Serv-U was stopped while iconic it'll start as an icon the next time.
- The evaluation order of IP deny and allow rules can now be choosen.
- Changed link handling so if there is a subdir with the same name as a link preferance will be given to the subdir.
- Changed '%dfree' message file directive so it handles >2Gb of free space.
- All links should now be absolute paths, even for users with 'rel. paths' enabled. Serv-U takes care of the conversion for dir listings etc.
- Added support for the FTP command STAT, showing UL/DL ratios and quota.
- Changed %bup, %bdown, %btot, and %dfree to report in Kb instead of bytes.
- Added support for secundary 'dir change message file' and 'link file'.
- Added a very beautiful status bar.
- Added a bunch of message file directives for ratios and disk quota.
- Added disk quota limitation support.
- Added support for 'free files' for U/D ratios.
- Added feature to allow users to log in even when user limit is reached.
- User ID in log now always has 6 digits (with leading zeros if needed). To make programmatic sorting easier.
- Changed code of security manager, simplifying it (and hopefully making it more robust).
- Added 'upload/download ratios'.
- Added support for 'relative paths' for all users.
- Added support for hiding 'hidden' files for every user.
- Changed the max. no. of characters that can be entered into the multi-homed setup box for the IP number from 14 to 15.
Verbesserungen |
- Fixed bug in 24h user count (sites with only a few hits a day would get bogus numbers).
- Fixed bug which would not allow dir listings if 'inherit' was not enabled and a dir listing with argument was done (ie. 'dir *.*').
- Fixed bug in 'restart' handling causing extraneous "450 Try later - Data connection in use" command error replies.
- Fixed bug which caused IP home changes to be ignored until a restart.
- Fixed bug causing GPF's for very long signon/signoff text lines.