Serv-U der FTP Server für Jedermann  
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Serv-U Version  
Diese Version wurde am November 4, 2014 veröffentlicht.
  • Updated OpenSSL libraries from 0.9.8x to 0.9.8zb.
  • Disabled SSLv3 and SSLv2 by default.
  • Added the ability to view the fingerprint for the server or domain SSH private key.
  • Added additional HTTP response headers to mitigate warnings from security scanning software.
  • Added the ability for admins to restrict the file sharing source of outgoing file shares (e.g., sending files from this local machine or from Serv-U).
  • Added the ability for the file share owner to recognize when the file share has expired from the file share's detailed page.
  • Added the ability to log the source IP address at the user or group level when a user logs into Serv-U.
  • Removed the support link from the Management Console and Java clients.
  • Fixed a bug where Gateway did not bind to the proper port according to RFC specification when initiating outbound connections for FTP data transfers.
  • Fixed a bug where the Accept-Public-IP-CIDRs.txt file was overwritten by the installer each time Gateway was updated.
  • Fixed a bug where session macro strings (i.e., $IP) did not properly resolve for events involving password and email address changes.
  • Fixed a bug where leading or trailing whitespace on an IP access rule containing an IP address could cause Serv-U to incorrectly interpret the rule as an IP name instead of address.
  • Fixed a bug where data would fail to be written to the ODBC database if a particular table's column string length was exceeded.
  • Fixed a bug where SSH public keys would fail to be exported when using the export feature.
  • Fixed a bug where SSH public keys would not expand server-wide macros (e.g., %DOMAIN_HOME%/path/to/
  • Fixed a bug where special symbols could not be entered for file sharing passwords (i.e., '#' and '%').
  • Fixed a bug where the file sharing wizard's "Generate Email" link would fail to resolve all server variables that were defined in the email body.
  • Fixed a bug where the file sharing password could not be changed if no recipients were defined for the share.
  • Fixed a bug in FTP Voyager JV and Web Client Pro where upload events would be fired when uploading files greater than 2GB.
  • Fixed a bug in FTP Voyager JV where the "Libraries" folder would fail to list its contents (starting in Windows Vista and up).
  • Fixed a bug in FTP Voyager JV where the focus would get lost when switching between frames causing keyboard shortcuts to fail.
  • Fixed a bug where Web Client Pro would fail to launch with the new release of the Java Runtime Environment.
  • Fixed a bug in Web Client Pro where slow connections could cause the browser to abandon the launching of Web Client Pro.
  • Fixed a bug where SSH public keys specified at the group level were not applied to members of the group.