Serv-U der FTP Server für Jedermann  
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Serv-U Version  
Diese Version wurde am April 2, 2013 veröffentlicht.
  • Updates FTP Voyager JV and Web Client Pro with new signatures to prevent an erroneous warning from Java about an expired certificate.
  • Corrected an LDAP bug where Serv-U did not properly handle LDAP responses containing partial results.
  • Corrected an LDAP bug where Serv-U did not properly handle user authentication if the LDAP server returned referrals.
  • Corrected an LDAP bug where Serv-U could reject a user if requiring fully-qualified group membership is enabled, the user belongs to multiple containers, and not all those containers are defined as LDAP groups in Serv-U.
  • Corrected an SFTP bug where Serv-U did not properly handle the SSH_FXF_CREATE_NEW flag when passed in an SSH_FXP_OPEN command. This could cause uploads to fail or clients to fail to prompt the user for overwrite confirmation.
  • Corrected a DoS vulnerability where clients could saturate Serv-U with SSL renegotiation requests that made Serv-U unresponsive.